Wednesday, September 25, 2024

What is Asthma: Symtoms, Main Causes and Triggers

Asthma is a common respiratory disease, affecting millions of people around the world. It is a long-term (chronic) condition in which the airways of the lungs are affected due to inflammation and narrowing. This causes problems like difficulty in breathing, cough, chest tightness and wheezing. There is no permanent cure for asthma, but it can be controlled by using home remedies.

In this article, I will tell you complete information about the symptoms of asthma, main causes and other triggers which increase this disease. In this article, I am giving you complete information about asthma and question related to asthma i give you answer. you can better understand this disease.

What is Asthma: Symtoms, Main Causes and Triggers

What is Asthma?

Asthma is a chronic disease in which the respiratory tract becomes inflamed, causing obstruction in breathing. When a person suffers from asthma, his airways become narrowed, making it difficult for oxygen to reach the lungs. This inflammation is usually caused by various triggers, which depend on the person's health and environment.

Major symptoms of Asthma

The symptoms of asthma are generally similar, but their severity depends on the individual and circumstances. Some of the major symptoms are as follows:
  • Difficulty breathing: This is the most common symptom of asthma. The affected person experiences difficulty in breathing.
  • Cough: Often occurs more at night or in the morning.
  • Chest tightness: There is a feeling of pressure or tightness in the chest.
  • Wheezing: A whistling sound while breathing.

Major causes of Asthma

Asthma can have many causes, and they depend on various factors, such as genetics, environment, and lifestyle. You may have asthma due to any of the following reasons:

1. Genetics

If someone in your family has asthma, it is possible that you may also develop this disease. Asthma is a genetically transmitted disease, especially if one of your parents has the problem. If your immunity is good and your diet is good then you can avoid this disease.

2. Allergies

Allergies are a common factor in asthma patients. Dust, flower pollen, pet skin particles, smoke and certain foods aggravate asthma. When the body comes in contact with an allergen, it increases inflammation of the respiratory tract, causing asthma symptoms.

3. Viral Infections

Viral infections in the respiratory tract, especially during childhood, cause asthma. Viruses like RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) and influenza can cause inflammation in the respiratory system and lead to asthma problems.

4. Obesity

People with obesity have a higher risk of asthma. Increase in body weight puts pressure on the lungs, causing difficulty in breathing. Additionally, obesity increases inflammation in the body, which worsens asthma symptoms.

5. Hormonal Changes

Hormonal changes, such as during menstruation or pregnancy, may increase asthma symptoms in some women. This condition is called 'hormonal asthma.

Asthma Triggers

Asthma has many triggers, which increase a person's symptoms. Following are some of these triggers:

1. Dust Mites

Small particles found in house dust are major triggers of asthma. These are called 'dust mites', which hide in mattresses, pillows, and carpets.

2. Smoke

Cigarette smoke, incense smoke, or wood burning smoke rapidly aggravate asthma symptoms. Cigarette smokers have a higher risk of asthma, and children in smoking households may also develop asthma.

3. Cold Air

Cold weather also increases asthma symptoms. When cold air enters the respiratory tract, the airways constrict, making breathing difficult.

4.Stomach Acidity (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease - GERD)

People with acidity problems can also become victims of asthma. When stomach acid rises to the lungs, it affects the respiratory system and increases asthma symptoms.


Mental and physical stress can make asthma symptoms worse. During stress, respiratory rate increases, which increases pressure on the airways.

Diagnosis and treatment of asthma

Asthma is usually diagnosed through breathing tests, such as 'spirometry', which checks how well your lungs are working. Additionally, doctors diagnose asthma based on your individual health condition, allergy history, and physical tests.

Asthma Treatment

For the treatment of asthma, one can use natural, home and Ayurvedic remedies which are very helpful in reducing the symptoms of asthma and strengthening the respiratory system. Here I am telling you 15 natural and Ayurvedic remedies which are very beneficial for asthma patients:

1. Ginger

What is Asthma: Symtoms, Main Causes and Triggers

Ginger is also thought to decrease inflammarion, and a reent srudy did show that oral ginger supplements were linked to improvement in asthma symtoms. The study didnot show, however, that ginger use led to any improvement in actual lung function. as a result, peters cautions against. As a result, peters cautions against using this study to draw any conclusions about the use of ginger as an alternative treatment for asthma.


  • Mix equal amounts of ginger juice, honey and pomegranate juice and drink it 2-3 times a day.
  • You can also make ginger tea and consume it regularly.

2. Turmeric

What is Asthma: Symtoms, Main Causes and Triggers

Turmeric is an effective natural remedy in treating asthma. The curcumin present in it reduces inflammation of the respiratory system and helps in breathing. Turmeric milk or a mixture of turmeric and honey reduces the symptoms of asthma.


  • Mix half a teaspoon of turmeric in a glass of warm milk and drink it every night before sleeping.
  • You can also consume turmeric raw or add it to your food.

3. Tulsi

What is Asthma: Symtoms, Main Causes and Triggers

Tulsi is helpful in the treatment of asthma. Its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties reduce inflammation of the respiratory system and help in breathing. Taking juice of basil leaves with honey provides relief from asthma symptoms. Consuming it regularly is beneficial.


  • Extract the juice of basil leaves and mix honey in it and consume it every morning.
  • You can also drink basil tea.

4. Liquorice

What is Asthma: Symtoms, Main Causes and Triggers

Liquorice is useful in the treatment of asthma as it has anti-inflammatory and respiratory soothing properties. It helps in breathing by reducing inflammation of the respiratory tract. Consuming it with liquorice tea or honey is helpful in reducing the symptoms of asthma.


  • Boil liquorice root in tea and consume it.
  • Liquorice powder can also be taken by mixing it with honey.

5. Celery

What is Asthma: Symtoms, Main Causes and Triggers

Celery is beneficial in the treatment of asthma. The thymol present in it clears the respiratory tract and reduces inflammation. By drinking the decoction of celery seeds, the mucus gets loosened and comes out, which makes breathing easier. Taking steam is also beneficial.


  • Boil celery seeds in water and steam them.
  • Make a decoction of celery and drink it once a day.

6. Garlic

What is Asthma: Symtoms, Main Causes and Triggers

Garlic has been used as a natural remedy to manage many diseases, particularly cardiovascular disease, because of its anti-inflammarory properties. Since asthma is an inflammatory disease,it would make sense thar garlic may also help relieve asthma symptoms. perets notes, however, that there have never been any controlled studies investigating the effect of garlic on asthma symptoms, so its role in asthma treatment is unknown.


  • Boil 2-3 garlic cloves in milk and consume it.
  • You can also chew raw garlic.

7. Honey and cinnamon

What is Asthma: Symtoms, Main Causes and Triggers

Honey and cinnamon are effective home remedies in treating asthma. Honey clears the respiratory system, while cinnamon has anti-inflammatory properties, which reduce swelling. Consuming a mixture of honey and cinnamon at night provides relief from asthma symptoms.


  • Mix one spoon honey and half spoon cinnamon powder and take it before sleeping at night.
  • You can also consume honey by mixing it in hot water.

8. Dry ginger powder

What is Asthma: Symtoms, Main Causes and Triggers

Dry ginger (dry ginger powder) is effective in treating asthma. It has anti-inflammatory properties, which reduce inflammation of the respiratory tract. Consuming dry ginger with honey or drinking its decoction provides relief from asthma symptoms. Regular use strengthens the respiratory system.


  • Mix dry ginger powder with honey and consume it daily.
  • Drinking decoction of dry ginger and black pepper is also beneficial.

9. Neem

What is Asthma: Symtoms, Main Causes and Triggers

Neem is helpful in the treatment of asthma, as it has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It reduces inflammation of the respiratory system and clears the airways. Taking the juice of neem leaves with honey or drinking its decoction provides relief from the symptoms of asthma.


  • Extract the juice of neem leaves, add honey to it and consume it daily.
  • Drinking decoction of neem leaves is also beneficial.

10. Steam inhalation

What is Asthma: Symtoms, Main Causes and Triggers

Steam inhalation is an effective home remedy in the treatment of asthma. It opens the respiratory tract and loosens the mucus and expels it. Mixing a few drops of eucalyptus oil in hot water and taking steam is beneficial, which provides relief in breathing and strengthens the respiratory system.


  • Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to hot water and inhale the steam.
  • Taking steam 1-2 times a day is beneficial.

11. Vasaka

What is Asthma: Symtoms, Main Causes and Triggers

Vasa is an Ayurvedic herb, which is effective for respiratory problems like asthma, cough and bronchitis. It cleans the lungs and helps in thinning the mucus and expelling it.

Uses: Drink the decoction of Vasa leaves or take it in the form of Ayurvedic syrup.

12. Kantakari

What is Asthma: Symtoms, Main Causes and Triggers

Kanthakari is used to treat asthma and cough. It relaxes the respiratory system and reduces inflammation in the respiratory tract.

Uses: Kanthkari can be taken as a decoction or in powder form with milk

13. Shwas Kuthar Ras

What is Asthma: Symtoms, Main Causes and Triggers

It is a famous Ayurvedic medicine, which is useful in asthma, cough and other respiratory diseases. It helps in reducing mucus and clearing the respiratory tract.

Usage: It should be taken as per doctor's advice, usually mixed with water or honey

14. .Talisadi Churna

What is Asthma: Symtoms, Main Causes and Triggers

Talisadi Churna is used in Ayurveda for the treatment of asthma, cough and cold. It contains a mixture of palm leaves, black pepper, dry ginger, cardamom etc., which strengthens the respiratory system.

Usage: It can be taken by mixing it with honey or consume it with lukewarm water.

15. Pippali

What is Asthma: Symtoms, Main Causes and Triggers

Pippali is used to strengthen the respiratory system and reduce the symptoms of asthma. It opens the respiratory tract and helps in expelling mucus.

Usage: Pippali powder can be taken by mixing it with honey or make a decoction and consume it.

Prevention of asthma

Although there is no permanent cure for asthma, the disease can be controlled by taking some preventive measures:
  • Avoid dust and dirt inside the house.
  • Stay away from cigarette smoke and pollution.
  • Stay indoors in cold weather.
  • Take medicines regularly.
  • Keep your weight under control and exercise regularly.


Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease caused by inflammation and narrowing of the airways. Its symptoms include cough, shortness of breath and chest tightness. Inhalers are effective in the management of asthma, providing immediate relief. Along with this, natural remedies like ginger, turmeric, and Ayurvedic medicines also play an important role. These treatments not only reduce the symptoms but also help in strengthening the respiratory system. By using these measures regularly, asthma can be controlled, thereby improving the quality of life.

What is Asthma: Symtoms, Main Causes and Triggers


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Q.1 What is Asthma?
Ans. Asthma is a long-term disease of the respiratory system, which causes narrowing and inflammation of the respiratory tract.

Q.2  What are the symptoms of asthma?
Ans. Difficulty in breathing, cough, chest tightness and whistling sound while breathing are common symptoms of asthma.

Q.3 Can asthma be treated?
Ans. There is no permanent cure for asthma, but various treatments are available to control its symptoms.

Q.4 Is asthma genetic?
Ans. Yes, asthma often runs in families. If your parents have asthma, you may also be at risk for this disease.

Q.5 What are the triggers of asthma?
Ans. Smoking, air pollution, allergens (such as dust and pollen), climate change, and certain medications can be asthma triggers.

Note: In this article, I have given important information about asthma, so that you can understand well that asthma is a disease and how it can be treated. If you keep using natural and Ayurvedic remedies at the right time and regularly, you can centralize asthma. However, if the disease increases then you should immediately consult a doctor. Through this blog I have given you complete information about Asthma. Hopefully you will like this blog.

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